Will Haya ever find solace in her marriage life?

By Abia Gill

Harib’s obsession and insanity is just growing every day bit by bit, ever since Haya and Harib got married there was not even a single day when Harib’s traumatic attitude towards Haya was not bothered, however it was the burden on Haya’s shoulder to keep the family’s name and its reputation all stay put on the ground and never let them fail to trust her. Poor Haya is fighting for tranquility and peace throughout this time as she is not adjusting with the bipolar kind of a person and attitude that Harib has, it is his mental stress and complexities of being Faris’s step brother that never let him move on infact it’s his existence that is drowned deep. If we look at the other side of Harib’s behavior and the kind of a person he has become can be an attention drawer and requires major responsibility from his family which might have met a lack. Musarat is a head strong woman who has controlled everyone under her shadows and wants to keep an eye over small issues aswell.

On the other hand, Shazia had a fight with her husband and is staying at her parent’s house that burdened her father to the extreme as he is much concerned about their family reputation and would never want any incident happen to her marriage life, Haya living under one roof is still alone as she is  unable to meet her parents and she is compelled to do such ugly things with her family so that she is oppressed and suffer the more, as it gives pleasure to Harib and he directs her to perform such acts.
Musarat has a power over Tabrez’s family aswell , how beautifully she goes along with Shazia and whereas she thinks wrong of her parents and gets anti sometimes, but listens to Musarat , so in this way Musarat has influenced Tabrez’s life and her family to take revenge of whatever happened in the past.

Will Haya ever find solace in her marriage life?

Will Musarats’s love as a mother be divided amongst her children?

Is Faris getting attracted towards the other Haya who reminds him of his own Haya?

Watch another episode of Rasm-e-Duniya on Thursday at 8:00 pm only on ARY Digital.


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