Do I Want The Baby Or Should I Abort?

By Abia Gill

The above question may arise in many of the ordinary young women’s mind when they get pregnant unwanted or may due to suppression of the male dominancy at home, maybe a thought just passed by of a feeble woman out of love or poverty or enforcement of getting pregnant every year and maybe she lies with her husband by accusing on a fatal call. Are we jumping over conclusions? Taking a leap of faith to be intact. We all abide the religious faith on our own and I don’t think any religion preaches the essentials of abortion or losing a child. We see many women in our own families, they are our own relatives who suffer the anxiety and depression of having the child removed in the womb before it is born. The unrealistic world just pawns these females where they are bound to live by the customs ,be it of not having abortion and keep producing children as much as could without understanding the point if the individual is a living being instead oppressing her with the pressure to bear the offspring of her man and make his generation vast.

The removal or eradication of the early pregnancy might be induced of several reasons, mostly women are oppressed to bear the offspring out of the desire for a son. The estimated number of abortions reaches upto 41 to 55 million and 126,000 per day worldwide. But there are couple of reasons that pave ways to end up in the whirl of abortion, the unintended pregnancies held during enforced intercourse be it marital rape or compelling young girls , however the measures for safe abortion needs to be introduced.

I had an involvement to get to the bottom of one of a female who shared her saga and experience of life after abortion , as her husband resided abroad and she needed to fulfil her inlaws desire for having a grandchild so she conceived and kept twins in her womb for 5 months , however after regular checkups she came to know that the twins were not breathing and were dead inside the womb that could be dangerous and poisonous to the living being. Eventually she was obligated to go through the procedure of a painful and scary abortion. The huge tools and pains were massive and hurting more than delivering a child. She felt hollow and sullen. So with her heart poured story I felt that it is as equals as there is something taken away from your body and you can’t do anything about it.

A woman do ofcourse feel hollow and shallow from the inside, however it does depend on every individual of how to cope and keep the reality intact. The whole idea of finishing off or removing the embryo before it is born can be too hard to live with.


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