The Movie “Bokeh” Just Got Me Swept Off My Feet
So it was a movie night with my peeps and suddenly the movie
poster of “Bokeh” got me focused and had my severe attention to watch it and as
soon I started watching the flick my attention was sphered and circled tight
around the movie. The beautiful landscape and scenes that it has covered and
the cinematography gave me shout out from my lungs. The brilliant idea struck
the creator of the movie i:e Andrew Sullivan and Geoffrey Orthwein who sought
the entire idea and grasp the situation of the movie from the photographic terminology
where the object is focused much and the rest is blurred. The sci-fi and indie
flick gave me a calm and soother for mind, however my mind travelled places and
gave me some major travel goals to Iceland. It was the brilliant idea to shoot
the movie in the month of June when the Sun is off the duty for 23 hours and
made every scene worth a watch.
The tale revolves around a young couple who were on
vocations to the trip of Iceland , sometime away from the din. Wife played by
the talented Maika Monroe (The Guest)
and Matt O’ Leary (Natural Science), both of them played a
beautiful character and poured life into it. It was a disturbing aurora stroke
when the whole world was blurred and it was God’s plan to have this young
couple Bokeh-ed , such a focus from
God that He wanted to see if these people could thank for the available
resources, However Jenai got depressed and Riley helped and tried his level
best from his guts to pull her out of the stress.
The emotional attachment they shared when they were alone as
they were focused by God , the arguments and chasing each other, holding on for
dear life they had made Riley understand and he could decode the plan, whereas
Jenai was not accessing the deep plan and kept pondering over minute thing that
drove her depressed. So do you think that a man is a social animal and is it
true that a man cannot survive alone? Was it alright if Jenai committed a
suicide out of loneliness of some social community? However she was already
accompanied by Riley , her partner but there was something more she expected.
Do watch this beautiful sci-fi indie flick as it has become
my favorite with the beautiful landscapes and the Europe’s peculiar day-day and
night-day hours of time. The only Silence and quiet that surrounded them was the peace God bestowed, but it was hard in human's mind that were unable to comprehend.
Your fucking English sucks, and it was an existential movie that questioned God and existence, not that it specifically was God’s plan. Twat.