Navin Waqar on Zeelicious - Coming Soon
The young and talented actress Navin Waqar is going to be speaking for Zeelicious soon. The interview will be uploaded right here in a next couple of days. So hang on for that folks!
Navin is one brilliant actress who started her career from a mega hit serial of HUM TV called Humsafar. I hope no one is unfamiliar to that name. The classy lass has grown to fame and popularity and has successfully achieved the mark and won a millions of hearts of her fans.
Let's see what she has to say about her new drama serial Beinteha which has recently started to be on aired on Urdu1 in the upcoming interview.
Stay with #Zeelicious ;)
Naveen made her film debut with a Pakistani film 'Josh: Independence Through Unity'. Naveen got married with Azfar Ali in 2012 and got divorced after 3 years in Niovember 2015.