Which One Is Your Cult-Fave Couple

By Abia Gill

So we all loved one of the love story immensely when "Ashq-e-memnu" was on aired on Urdu 1 and then we saw another awesome play that was "Feriha" new bud of young love when we couldn't help but saying Awww... to the love  they shared and then another great chemistry keeper in new drama serial "Ek Haseena Ek Dewana" , followed by "Mera Ashiyana" a sweet and melo kinda play that blew us away.

Let's have a little reminiscence over these beautiful couples that made their grounds stiff :

Behlul & Bihter : The awesome love metamorphosis and much troubled situation , the couple did not stop but pulling the infatuation tremendously throughout the drama. We all were Kivanc Tatlitug's fans ever since he played Behlul and got our attention to the extreme.

Emir & Feriha:  Ahhh! When Emir held Feriha's hand to ask her if she approves him for her was the best scene ever and we all glide down from the slope , falling insane for the couple. This is a true example of a young love when they grow in love together and aged simultaneously together.

Taimoor & Soha: The mature adults with a lot of control over their nerves but uptil now , whatever that has been displayed in the previous episodes have shunned our minds and technically Soha's love twitches is getting intensed now.

Meera & Emran: Awww, the drama "Mera Ashiyana" the perfect love as both of them studied together and spend one hell of a quality time together, waiting for each other's phone call, meeting up for lunch after college and little fights and arguments over petty things, just was their thing!


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