Is Your Child Safe?

By Abia Gill

Don’t talk to the strangers honey, always remember that’s what your mama taught you

“Never go out with the strangers, until you ask for the permission from mommy and dad”
The above statements are the key factor that we teach our kids , probably everyday to remind them their limits and restrict their boundaries to some extend just keep them protected, but do you think if they are really practicing your teachings and implementing them while they are having some social exploring while in the school or making new friends in the premises . So have you ever thought of what actually admires these little people that practically drives their parents crazy? Maybe they adore animals or maybe they crave for sweets everytime , maybe they like toys much that anyone would show them the toy and take away.

Have you ever got in real talk with your child? Like a conversation to them what actually inspire them or like them what do they want to become? These are basically some natural phenomenon that does exist in children’s type of world where they get carried away easily.

Keep Them Busy: By moving their thoughts into other productive and constructive work, might help you to get out of the dilemma and fear regarding your child’ security. Keep them intact with stuff on daily basis, I know fostering children is basically not an easy deal but, one got to be on their toes 24/7 to help your child away from danger.

Hold Their Hand:  While you are taking a walk down the lane, never let go of your child because he/she might get attracted with so many things in his surroundings, maybe he/she could get easily carried away while staring at the ice-cream hoarding, or maybe he could get lost by seeing a mesmerizing toy shop and he would want to buy that exclusive toy to take home. Remember the danger exist in such places when it comes to a child abduction , as the place is tempting for kids and might want to just soar with their fave-jam stuff.

Teach the Kinds of Touch: To know the types of petting and loving the child, a parent would never act ignorant on such matter as it is important to tell your child directly and illustrate the reasons why would you stop him/her to let anyone touch your child. It is important that only parents can kiss the child on his cheek. When you won’t trust anyone around your child the more risks of child harassment be covered.

Listen to Your Child: Hear him/her out when they tell you about their day agenda, or the situations they faced in the entire day. Listen to your child, analyze his/her thoughts and concepts that they keep, this would actually make you enable you to understand the type of a person your child could become in his coming years. So figure out whatever he/she is trying to say and trust them, I would particularly would not appreciate to trust them entirely as children sometimes make fibs out of imaginary things that does not exist , but be the best analyzer and fit the missing pieces yourself, This is called a good parenting. 

I hope the above reasoning would be much fruitful to you and my help you to overcome the maximum amount of menace situation.


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