Ek Haseena Ek Dewana Marked With An Awesome OST Ever!!

By Abia Gill

So the drama is finally Ingrained by an awesome and breath taking original soundtrack which is performed by Sathiya’s “Ali Khan” and Chahaton Ka Ashiyan by “Alycia Dias”. The two talented artist performing the duet just tells the saga itself. 

The drama Ek Haseena Ek Dewana is already hitting the spot by drawing numerous eyeballs and severe attention towards each single episode. The lyrics of the track “Ishaq Ka Hai Kaisa Dairah”is done by S.K.Khalish and composed by Ali Khan , the poetry of the song takes us places with the beautiful compilation of the entire drama and enthralls us to seek the conclusion for every episode.

A Great track has taken its place and entice its fans where we get to see the conclusion of the drama in small clips of the OST video aswell. Ali Khan always astounds his fans by bringing something new with the original soundtracks where he has performed for Kala,Paisa,Pyar also.

Alycia Dias just makes us more hooked with her peculiar beautiful voice when she sang the OST for the drama serial “Kankar” and then another Turkish drama “Feriha” and got us all hooked with her voice.

The play has made us spell bound already and I just can’t get enough of it now. If you are following the drama then do check out the beautiful track.


  1. I love this drama.It is a very romantic but sometime sad . I like the actor (kivanc Tatlitug),and actress (Tuba Buyukustun) so much.Thank you so much the team of Urdu 1 for broadcast it.

  2. wapis kb ayega ye drama ..ab kahi mil ni raha sab hindhi ma araha ha..i want to see it in udru ..pls helo me


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