Sahir Lodhi Misunderstood - Bashed a female on Ramzan Transmission

Sahir Lodhi has once again taken it through the wrong way to stay in the news. After his previous attempt in which he spoke to the world on misjudging his movie RAASTA and yet creating a scene out of it, yet he is here again and this time on a live show where he bashes a female debator during the live Ramzan Transmission. 

Well be it for any authentic/genuine reasons or be it for fame or ratings, the idea certainly did not click the minds of the "awaam" with this one. Actually what the film star / host did was that he went on yelling at a female debater on his show for taking the name of Quaid e Azam in her speech. That is when he lost it and then started to take the discussion in the other way around.

Watch the video here:


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