Miley Cyrus Takes A New Start In "Malibu"

By Abia Gill

Miley made it! finally she has come clean when this southern girl used to maintain a terrific balance between the both worlds when she was Hannah Montana and now this girl after making one hit on another kicks off with a new track call "Malibu". She looks changed and clean, seems like Miley has finally come into senses while the time away from Liam Hemsworth made her lose her sanity, maybe that was the time she explored herself , finding out her individuality. Miley's tracks were a huge success everytime this pretty girl sings we get addicted to the extreme. Be it a "Party In The USA" or "Adore You".

The Lyrics of the song is so touchy and inspirational that she totally sends away the relationship goals to all the people out there, no matter how much fights and arguments you have come across what all matters is love.

"We watched the sun go down as we were walking

I'd spent the rest of my life standing here talking

But here I am, next to you
The sky's more blue in Malibu"


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