Are You the Real-Deal, Or Just A Fling?
By Abia Gill
What really stresses a woman is the kind of a relationship
she attains with the man, there is a potential tendency calling out every woman
that she desperately wants to know if the guy they are going out is serious
with her or not. Plenty of think clouds may cluttered one’s mind if the man is
really into you or he is just flirting around. So what is the criteria that he
measures your strength? Is it your beauty or brains? You tell yourself to have
a breakup 21 times but then you’re back on the track with the same man,
regardless he is showing a little amount of interest towards you.
Here are some of reasons we have hunt down for the women to
think like a wise woman before giving it a prolong try:
Didn’t He Asked You
So basically you were filled with immense amount of
struggled thoughts when he started talking to you, be it a random meet up at
subways or asking for a time but when you exchanged your contact number you
were sure that he is going to ask you over the weekends, but eventually it did
not happen. Maybe he does not think of you as a girlfriend material or he was
upto something that kept him from giving you a call. Just be cool about it, you
know it was a random meet-up and never lose your worth after anything that was
not meant to happen.
Are You the One or
So my best friend told me if it was okay to surrender
oneself to her man and compromise on stuff, I advised her if she could check
him out if he is really worth it. Men can judge and see the type of a woman
they want to stick with and get into a proper long term relationship, let’s say
they have a better understanding terms as compare to a female ones as men think
straight from their mind and try their scientific part of the brains much,
however women mostly concentrate on their gut feeling and would recommend
themselves to follow the decisions that were made through emotional senses.
Keep It Low-Key:
When you realize that he has started to get into you and you
would suddenly start taking final clues from his gestures then keep it low, I mean
why to exaggerate the part of your newly started relationship where you are
still unsure if it works. If showing off your stuff and being transparent
throughout the times, might scratch a wound to the beautiful thing you have
just started to share.
Don’t Scare Him Off:
If you don’t just bother to ask if he is okay or you most of
the time detour the situation that can keep him calm than you can be a random
hookup, however too much obsession towards him can lead a serious getaway.
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